Dragon Fly

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A few butterflies kept fluttering over the Lantana bushes that surrounded my house like a fence. They were cheerfully dancing under the bright yellow sun. I was shooting them (with a camera, of course) from a long time. To capture pictures of a butterfly is a tough job for me. They keep moving around, sucking nectar from every flower they fancy. How restless are they!

Without removing my finger from the trigger and pointing the lens towards it, I followed the trail of a pretty Red Pierrot with my camera. The shutter clicked and clicked and clicked. I expected pictures of the Pierrot in flight. But all were hazy pictures of leaves and walls without the butterfly. Sigh.

However, I find the dragonfly a well behaved insect, and easier to photograph. Like the butterfly, its never in a hurry. Kind of a gentleman.

This dragonfly had fancied a stalk of flower. It hovered for a while, checked if there are any better options nearby, then came back. It rested on it, giving me a chance to compose this image.

7 thoughts on “Dragon Fly

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      1. Do you know about the spiritual meaning of dragonflies? Use google and check out: dragonfly power animal meaning

        I read a lot about that. And I am always happy to meet dragonflies in nature.


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