
I  recently had the opportunity to visit a few villages in Gujarat. Thanks to my job which takes me to such unique places. They are away from all the noise and clutter that cities hold. They have a certain warmth which cities don’t. Warmth and selflessness which are rare attributes in the cities.

Among many others, Anjar was one of the places we visited during this field trip. Anjar is a small tehsil in the state of Gujarat which experienced a high magnitude earthquake in the year 2001. According to the internet,  it is one of the oldest towns in the state. The quake ruined many houses.

After finishing our work in one of the villages in Anjar, we decided to go to the core of that village, where most of the settlements were. We saw many houses which stood there like nothing had happened. These houses were built before the earthquake. We could see huge cracks in the walls, though, which were an evidence to that catastrophic event. Much of them have been abandoned and some have also been repaired.

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Some of the houses had really pretty doors. This one is my favorite.
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Cracks revealing history.
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Not sure what’s happening here!
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Another cool door
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And another.
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If doors were twins
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The house of the villager who showed us the village
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Knock knock?

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